Eco Building/Passiv Haus

Designing timber frames that present the detailed requirements for high levels of insulation, airtightness and thermal bridging has become an increasingly important part of our business. Working for a range of clients, we have gained the specialised knowledge that has enabled their builds to meet and exceed the requirements of the Passivhaus standard.

Cullen Timber Design can:

  • work with green architects and builders, sharing a common language, motivation and goal
  • promote the use of ecofriendly build materials at every possible opportunity with the design process
  • design a frame with the minimal use of steel, exploring all possible structural options through close liaison with likeminded structural engineers
  • create a design that values the minute details that help eliminate the risk of air leaks and thermal bridging
  • work to ensure a build method that shows green integrity
  • design with carbon footprint in mind, in terms of the transportation of materials to site

All Timber Frames